The Saturday Morning Post - Balance

 I am back earning a living in my bedroom again.  I can go into the office, but it feels less safe than it did, and when I get there, there is no one around. A lot of people are in this position, or should be.  The challenge for me with work from home (WFH - it has become such a part of our culture that we even have an acronym for it) is balancing.  For me this is harder at this time of the year when it is cold, and often wet, and getting out for a walk seems less attractive. If I am not careful I find myself working 10+ hours a day.  I recently went five days without leaving the apartment.  Far too long to be healthy. 

I am pretty good about turning off my office computer on the weekends and leaving it off.  But Monday through Friday it is my constant companion, and there are more things that need doing, than will ever be done.  Just reading the tone of this message, I can tell that this is weighing on my psyche.  

The more out of balance I am, the harder it is for me to focus and be at my most productive.  I need to work on this.  Sometimes the first step, is acknowledging the need for a second step.  
