The Sunday Five - Books

 J.P Morgan had a spectacular private library, which raised questions for me, all of the inspriration I need for this weeks Sunday five.

1: Are there books you have multiple copies or editions of? 

2: Have you ever stood in line to buy a first edition on the day it was released? 

3: Do you buy books just to own them, or only to read them? 

4: Have you read 90% or more of the books you own? 

5: Do you have an active library card? 

My Answers:

1: Are there books you have multiple copies or editions of? No longer, I did at one time, but we have downsized. 

2: Have you ever stood in line to buy a first edition on the day it was released? Yes, Harry Potter books. 

3: Do you buy books just to own them, or only to read them? Almost always to read. 

4: Have you read 90% or more of the books you own? Yes. Probably more than 95%. 

5: Do you have an active library card? No, I should do something about that.

Please share your answers in the comments.
