Thursday Ramble: Biography inspired by Spo

A week or so, Spo, the dear, posted that his employer asked about an updated bio for the office website. He offered answers that he would have enjoyed providing, not the official answers he felt obligated to provide for the dignity of the profession.  Inspired by that, here is what I sometimes wish my office bio included. 

Name: David, but I am really like and older dog, I will respond to anything if it is said in a kind tone of voice (old dogs are the sweetest.) 

How long in this profession? I am on my third profession, and I am still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up, I will probably be dead by the time I figure that out. 

How long [where you work]? 13 years, seems like I started just yesterday, at times it feels like 500 years. 

Where did you go to school?  This is complicated, elementary school in Michigan, except for the wild hare move to and from Phoenix one year, middle school in Michigan and Florida, I changed schools 8 times in four years of high school. College, I took ten years to finish a four year degree, with the first few classes at a community college that no longer exists, then a country club private liberal arts college where I took a couple of classes a semester, while working 50 to 70 hours a week, law school at the best place that would let me in, then I overcompensated worked super hard and finished well.  

What are your areas of specialized interest, experiences, and/or training? Photography, blogging, travel, flightless waterfowl, sheep, sweet bears (two and four footed,) the mysteries of our strangely wired brains, happiness.  

What led you to those interest areas? Living an adventure filled life with my sweet bear. 

What do you love about [where you work]/what keeps you here? Getting paid to think profound thoughts that few people pay attention to. 

What are you most proud of in your career? (ok - a real answer I would like to have listed) Getting a guardianship case dismissed against a self described "grumpy old son of a bitch" who was living life the way he wanted, even if his kids didn't like it. We need to do more good deeds in our lives.  

What are you doing when you’re not working? In the past few weeks, think, fuss and rant about work.  

Tell us something about you we probably don’t know. Oh, if I told you I'd half to kill you. (That is a DC inside joke based on the number of people who can't really tell you what they do for a living, I wouldn't kill anyone, but there are things I won't talk about.) I was born north of Canada.
