The Sunday Five - Adult Toys

If you want a laugh, this post was flagged for a violation of standards, for _$_ exu@l content.  Obviously the computer didn't read the post, only the title. 

I have some great camera equipment, nice lenses, specialty items (I have an underwater digital camera.) Most of it is bought after agonizing over spending the money, and reminding myself that the thing that sets adults apart from children, is the price of the toys (not as poetic, but less sexist than "the men and boys".) 

Once in a while I will see something and it will fall into my tolerance for an impulse buy, that is how I ended up the underwater camera, and how I ended up with the lens this image was taken with.  A Vivitar Series One, 500mm, about $100 at your favorite online retailers. 40 years ago, Vivitar was a respected name, like many the name was sold in bankruptcy and lives on, but without the legacy.  I wanted a longer lens, and Nikon does not make one for my camera, so on an impulse one day I clicked on this and bought it.  It is fully manual, so it is a little bit more work, but I have to say, this image is proof that a cheap lens can take a good image.   

1: What is your tolerance for an impulse buy? 

2: Do you have a toy allowance or budget? 

3: Does more money always equal better? 

4: Do you consider yourself wise with money, or stingy? 

5: What toy didn't you get as a child, that you would still like to get? 

My answers:

1: What is your tolerance for an impulse buy? About $100. 

2: Do you have a toy allowance or budget? I try to set a limit each year on spending on new toys. 

3: Does more money always equal better? The bird speaks for itself, the equivalent lens for the series up from my camera from Nikon, is about $4,000, and is manual only on my camera- the same as the cheap lens. 

4: Do you consider yourself wise with money, or stingy? I often say stingy. 

5: What toy didn't you get as a child, that you would still like to get? Another recent impulse buy, Legos. 

Please share your answers in the comments! 
