Thursday Ramble - Reflections

 I have mentioned before that one of the early blogs I contributed to was the "Mirror Project" that posted photos from contributors showing reflections of the world that in someway reflected the photographer.  It was a fun project, it kept me looking for shiny objects.  It ended when literally someone dropped it, dropped the server all of the postings were saved on.  The last time I checked parts of it had been restored from bits and pieces, but the down time kind of ended that one for me.  Still I find myself stopping to take a photo of a reflection. 

I saw the good doctor recently, I was pleasantly surprised that I had only gained 3 pounds in the past year, I was sure I was up 10 or 20 pounds.  We talked, she is nice and fun and understanding of what I want, of what I feel is important.  I commented that I have largely my dream job, she said her nephew asked her recently about becoming a doctor, she said "I had to think about that, but yes, I am right where I dreamed I would be."  A small, local general practice.  

Many of us work to much, worry to much, don't take as good of care of ourselves as we should.  I thought I gained more weight, because I have neglected to make time for walking, for eating better, for stepping away to refresh.  We all need that.  We think these challenges go away when we retire, but as dear departed cousin Bill put it, "the biggest problem with retirement, is you never get a day off."  We get a day off because we allow ourselves to take one. A day off is a change of pace, a change of environment.  For those of us who have been working from home, the scene does not change unless we move.  I always dreamed I would someday live walking distance from the office, but I  really thought it would be more than 10 feet.  I can see my office from my bed, and my bed from my office, and it makes it harder to seperate the two. 

If we don't take care of ourselves, we won't be here to care for others, or save the world (at least our little corner of it.) 

When I look in the mirror what do I see? Someone who needs to step away for a couple of days, someone who needs to care for himself. 

What reflection do you see? 
