If you laughed at the title, you are an experienced adult, or you are simply old. I recently replaced my cell/mobile phone. I don't recall if I bought in 2015 or 2016, I think 2015, so it was likely 7 years old. It still worked, but the memory was full. The resident memory that holds the operating system and all apps, was full to the point I couldn't update or add anything, without taking something off. And I am not a big app user. So after putting it off for months, I decided it was time, and off the phone store. Probably the easiest sale they had all day. I told the guy what I wanted and needed, he said this one is best, he had it in stock, done deal. It works, does a few things the old one didn't, does more than I want or need.
Last summer my office changed the security protocol for remote email access. I followed the directions, first step was delete my office email from my phone, that was easy. Second step was find or download a new mail app. That didn't work. So I took the path of least resistance, I left my office email and calendar off my phone. With my supervisory duties starting, I recently added my office email and calendar back on my phone, I instantly regretted doing so.
1: Do you carry a "smartphone?"
2: Apple, Android, or other?
3: How long ago did you buy a new one?
4: Do you always have yours on?
5: Do you prefer phone, email or text?
My answers:
1: Do you carry a "smartphone?" I started with Blackberry, before the I-Phone existed.
2: Apple, Android, or other? Android
3: How long ago did you buy a new one? Late January
4: Do you always have yours on? Nope. I know people who sleep with their phone.
5: Do you prefer phone, email or text? Email
Please share your answers in the comments.
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