The Way We Were Wednesday - The Tour of Kentucky

 The last year I was in Kentucky I did two grand tours.  The Bar Association did a road show - a series of two day continuing education programs at various locations across the state.  The promise was that no member would have to drive more than 100 miles to attend the program.  I wrote a section of the program, and normally I would recruit volunteers around the state to present at a location near them.  In 2008, I booked myself for the far flung corners of the state, I think I did 6 of the 8 locations, skipping the one in my own backyard, and in Louisville.  Later that fall the state health insurance information assistance program (SHIP) did a road show, three locations, one near home, one way out in the western part of the state, and one down in south central closer to Tennessee than civilization.  I was doing a couple of hours on the agenda and I was assigned to drive one of the most experienced volunteers around the state.  

This image was taken down south.  For that location I stayed in a log cabin with a wood burning fireplace, a part of the hotel complex.  While I was at this location I had a voice mail, about a possible interview for a job in Washington DC.  I went and parked the car between two tall trees, on top of a hill to return the call, the best cell reception in the county, and made arrangements for the interview that led me to being here.  Little did I know when I started that tour, that it would be my last tour of Kentucky.   
