The Way We Were Wednesday - Moments frozen in time

The essence of photography is capturing a fraction of a second, for later viewing.  This moment, probably 1/60 of a second was taken in the other house - the house in Lexington Kentucky probably 15-20 years ago.  At the top of the stairs with an open railing overlooking the great room, was our shared office.  On the plans there was a option to enclose it as a bedroom, the house was essentially finished when we bought it and the office/loft worked wonderfully for us.  The top rail, is visible just to the left of the box of Kleenex over my shoulder. There is a stack of training manuals on the top shelf, this is where I prepared probably 100 training programs.  The plastic tub with a green label, is some kind of foot cream, my feet dry out terribly in the winter, nothing seems to really help other than a pedicure and letting them sand my feet with the cheese grater.  The plastic storage bin, is filled with computer bits and pieces and probably a camera, it is on the shelf in my second closet today.  I really should sort it out again.  I was younger, a little more hair on top, a lot less grey on the chin. The framed prints on the wall behind, we left to the estate sale people when we cleaned out the house.  There is so much there, so much meaning in a moment frozen in time.  
