The Sunday Five: A little Renovation

 We are still trying to make plans for a kitchen replacement. The joys   

1: Have you ever moved into a new house? 

2: Have you lived through a major renovation? 

3: If you could change one thing about your current home, what would it be? 

4: If money was unlimited, how large of a home would you buy? 

5: Any great family stories of homes in past? 

My answers: 

1: Have you ever moved into a new house? Three times, I worked in the business I built two of them. 

2: Have you lived through a major renovation? Both bathrooms in the condo

3: If you could change one thing about your current home, what would it be?  Well there is that kitchen 

4: If money was unlimited, how large of a home would you buy?  Maybe 2,000 sq. ft., having offices would be nice. Anything larger is just more to clean and maintain.  

5: Any great family stories of homes in past? In 1977 my grandmother moved to a home on the east coast of Florida, and remarked that it was the forth home she had owned, and the first one with an indoor toilet when she bought it. 

Please share your answers in the comments. 
